
Posts Tagged ‘great people’

True knowledge is not memorizing fact after fact, it is certainty on how to DO something.

Many successful internet business people (pronounced ‘millionaires’) have stated that they have read a LOT of books. The more you know, the more options you have and the more you can do. That is because you have more certainty.

Certainty is knowing what you know and knowing what to do when presented with a certain situation.

An experienced mom KNOWS what to do with her crying baby. An experienced finish carpenter KNOWS how to make those beautiful crown moldings that make your home look like a million bucks. An experienced builder KNOWS how to make a house from start to finish. He has certainty.

An experienced home or online business owner can create a flourishing business with many happy customers.

You can acheive a real certainty in your own life or field.

It takes knowledge (reading the RIGHT materials, not those filled with unproven ideas or theories, or worse, with false ideas that do not work).

It takes practice — DOING IT once you know what to do. And thus finding out for yourself what works (successes, wins) and what does not work (‘failures’, ‘losses’, wasted time).

Do not be discouraged with the losses, they mean progress for you. Why?

Thomas Edison said it best when asked how he could stand failing 999 times before finding the right construction for the light bulb that he invented. His answer: I discovered 999 ways how not to make a light bulb.

In other words, he was achieving certainty on what did not work and came closer and closer to how it would work until he DID IT. And now we have light bulbs in every home, a great service to human kind.

This is an extreme example but you get the idea.

You can have certainty in your life — your body, health or family.

You can have certainty about your job — after a time you are SURE how to do it and get the results that are expected of you. That is if you study your job a little each day and practice its key actions.

The people who get ahead are the ones that do this. By learning your job better than anyone else you OUTGROW IT and are promoted by natural law or are attracted to a bigger and better job with more pay.

Or you know your field so well you are confident enough to start your own business. Then you can really take off. This is the real secret to wealth.

100% confidence (certainty) in only one area can help your whole life. How?

An Olympic gold medal winner is not a perfect person. She may be a great skater or runner and win a gold medal. But does this make her a good mom? Does this automatically give her knowledge of every area of her life? Of course not.

But it DOES give her personal confidence. It does give her the certainty on HOW TO WIN. And having won BIG in one area gives her the POTENTIAL to duplicate the win in other areas.

She studied hard and practiced daily with some personal sacrifice, doing something she enjoyed and thrived on. And she finally came to BE THE BEST. She knows what few other people know: HOW TO WIN.

If you want to master life or any part of it, always be reading something on your subject. Always be doing something (practicing) on the subject.

In this way you will have the small successes that step by step add up to a complete ability and skill. Thus is created certainty and confidence.

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Here is some of the most basic truth on how to
make money that you will find. Direct, timeless
and priceless video of Napoleon Hill, famous

Napoleon Hill lectures on basics he learned from
Andrew Carnegie (7 minutes)

Very useful Napoleon Hill quotes set to music
(5 mins)

Napoleon Hill lecture except on How Andrew
Carnegie contracted him for 20 years at no
pay to create the Philiosphy that became

Napoleon Hill – The 12 Things that Make
Men Rich (1 min)

Andrew Carnegie – Basic Ideas that Created his
Wealth (3 minutes)

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Have you ever wished you could have a
database at your fingertips, organized by
subject (personal characteristics) of the
ideas, thoughts, wisdom and successful
actions of the most famous people in

Have you ever wondered what made the
great people of history the way they were? 

Or the world’s current great or best known
people for that matter?  Tiger Woods (#1
golfer), Oprah (famous TV show host and
self made billionaire), Warren Buffet (world’s
greatest investor, self-created multi-billionaire),
Bill Gates (Microsoft founder and self-created

How did they get the way they are? What did
they do? How do they think?

Was it automatic? Was it easy? Are their lives
just blessed with riches because of some God-
given luck? Have they ever experienced failures
or setbacks like the rest of us?

I have created a free (no charge) resource for
you that answers all these questions and more.

It is an expanding database, organized by subject
(character trait), so that you can actually USE IT
to help transform yourself into the person you really
are inside and who you have always wanted to be.

So you can transform your life into one of
abundance and wealth.

You can now get inside the minds of the most
successful people in history and tap into what
made them great.

Success can be created by study and duplication
of what has been successful …  not specific
actions that easily change over time but the
timeless and classic WAYS OF THINKING AND 
ACTING that will never change.

I wish you the best with this from the bottom of
my heart and hope that you can find here something
that will take you to the next level.


If you do, please leave a comment here (or there)
and let me know what you found useful. I want to
share this knowledge with as many people as
possible as I truly believe it can change lives for
the better.

Wishing the best to you and your family,

Ron Sedlak

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